Current News

K-9 dog demonstration

Fourth grade students at Frank P. Long Intermediate School. thumbnail263314
Fourth grade students at Frank P. Long Intermediate School recently watched a K-9 dog demonstration as part of a Gang Resistance Education program. Students learned about conflict resolution, anti-bullying, drug awareness and more.


Date Added: 12/18/2024

High School Literacy Leaders read to fourth graders

High School Literacy Leaders read to fourth graders thumbnail263169

Through the South Country School District’s Clipper Literacy Leaders initiative, high school English language arts students recently visited Frank P. Long Intermediate School to read to fourth graders.

The students read “Watercress” by Andrea Wang. Following the read aloud, the high school students spearheaded a discussion and activities related to the themes in the book, including family, food and culture.

The Clipper Literacy Leaders, which kicked off during the 2023-2024 school year, aims to create connections between high school and younger students while also promoting literacy and a love of reading. Each month, the Leaders visit a district school to read books that tie into the district’s social and emotional learning curriculum and connect with cultural/identity celebrations.


Date Added: 12/12/2024