
Mr. Antonio Santana
Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Antonio Santana

Summer 2024

Happy Summer!

While most students and staff are off enjoying the much deserved summer break, many of us in the South Country Central School District actively engage in essential summer work to prepare for the upcoming academic year. This period is dedicated to thorough review and analysis of assessment data to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement in student performance. Based on this data, comprehensive professional learning plans are developed for educators, with a focus on critical areas such as reading, math, science, and social-emotional learning (SEL). These plans aim 
to enhance teaching strategies and support student achievement across all subjects.

In addition to academic preparations, the district undertakes building maintenance and facilities 
upgrades. These improvements ensure that the school environment is safe, modern, and conducive to 
learning. From updating classrooms and technology infrastructure to enhancing outdoor spaces and 
ensuring compliance with safety regulations, these efforts reflect the district's commitment to 
providing a high-quality educational experience.

Through these focused summer initiatives, the South Country Central School District aims to foster 
an enriching, supportive, and well-prepared learning environment for all students and staff.

Best wishes for a fantastic summer!

Antonio Santana
Superintendent of Schools

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