BMS Guidance

Tips for Parents

  • Always insist that your child has a consistent study time each day.
  • Set up a homework area that is free of distractions and has all of the necessary supplies.
  • Make the point that homework is the priority-before going out to play, before TV, a game, whatever.
  • Supervise their work, but don't fall into the trap of doing their work.
  • Encourage and motivate but try not to nag. Praise them to succeed.
  • Model as often as possible. If parents can sit and read or do some of their own work, children learn that everyone has responsibilities and learning is life long.
  • No matter how tempted, do not compare your children's performance with siblings, or other children their age. What works for one, may not work for another.
  • Make sure your kids get enough to eat, and plenty of rest, no matter how old they may think they are. Poor nutrition affects the ability to learn.
  • Always stay in touch with your child's teacher, especially if homework is a struggle. Use the agenda book or e-mail your child's teacher with questions.
  • Work with your child on organizational skills. Establish a place where library books and work should be kept.